Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Posted by iampaolov | File under : , , , , , , , , , , ,

This has got to be one of the most important articles I had made to-date. I will be writing about my Top12 Senatoriables that I will be voting for this coming May 2013 elections. Just for the heads up, I will be voting for new names, and fresh blood this year. 

I am tired of seeing those usual names which clearly was given the time to prove themselves and do something better for the country but nothing seemed to change. I want to see changes. I will give them a chance to prove themselves to everyone that we can still make our country a better place to live in. The surveys might not favor the majority of my senatoriables but I would still vote for them. I want to vote with dignity.

Here are my top 12:

#1. Samson Alcantara

Age: 77
Political Party: Social Justice Society
Profession: Lawyer
Founding Chairman and President of: ABAKADA-GURO partylist
Finished his law studies at the Manuel L. Quezon Univeristy School of Law in 1957.
Placed third in the Philippine Bar Examination.

1. Abolition of Political Dynasty.
2. Adotption of more social justice laws and fine-tuning of existing ones.
3. Give importance to the senior citizens.
4. Quality Education
5. Increase of employment opportunities
6. Development of Social Values
7. Protection of public officers against discriminatory practices
8. Development of Natural Resources
9. Elimination of oppressive impositions
10. Assistance to Entrepreneurs

Thoughts: He clearly has the experience but people might be concern that he might be too old to run for the Senate. However, he said that he is biologically-young. :] Smart man!


#2 Juan Edgardo Angara

Age: 40
Political Party: Team PNOY
Chairperson of the House Committee on Higher and Technical Education

co-authored several laws, including the PERA Law, Magna Carta for Women, Tourism Act and the Juvenile Justice Law
One of the Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) awardees in 2010.


1. Invest in Knowledge Process Outsourcing
2. Revolution that would spur a high road economic growth and translate the democratic gains of the EDSA People Power Revolution 27 years ago into new jobs and wealth.


#3 Greco Antonious Beda Banta Belgica

Age: 35
Political Party: Democratic Party of the Philippines
Former City Councilor of Manila
Chairman, Committee on Economic Development
Chairman, Committee on Police, Peace and Order Fire and Public Safety.
Board Member, Anti-Drugs Administrative Board of Manila
President, Yeshua Change Agents Association, Inc.


1. Higher income opportunities, less government deduction. A simplified -one-kind, one-time- tax system that will free our people from the oppressive, excessive, and unjust manner of collection. Flat Tax of not more than 10% of indivdual or corporate income only.
2. Drug free, happy, self-reliant families and safe, peaceful communities thru corrective legislation and proper, faithful implementation of the spirit of RA 9165 The Dangerous Drugs Act; and correct a basic, structural defect in our police system to control syndicated and organized criminal activities such as Jueteng, Kidnap for ransom, carnap, street crimes and other peace and order concerns.  For a LIMITED and DECENTRALIZED government powers down to the barangay level.  
3. Make all natural and financial resources available and accessible to our countrymen to bring out the best in them, here in our beloved Philippines by limiting Government intrusion in trade and the free market.
4. A government that is kind to the church and who shall respect and  safe guard the God given autonomy of the Church and the Family as co-equal institutions ordained by God within their respective functions and jurisdictions in society.
5. Abolish the PDAF and convert the fund to the TUITION FEE VOUCHER SYSTEM. - The P 100B + PDAF should be scrapped and converted into a fund where the youth and all students can get a voucher and bring it into any school they choose to study. This will not only make quality education available for all, but create competition among the schools to get the business from the students therefore lower down tuition fees while offering the best program.
6. To make available through "STEWARDSHIP" all PUBLIC LANDS to families who does not have land and young couples (BAGONG KASAL) who are starting a family who are willing to till or develop the land. (In relation to our 3rd proposal).

Thoughts: He is clearly one of my favorites and I really hope he will be given a change. He has a great vision for the future. He is the youngest among all the candidates which I think is also one of his advantage as well.


#4 Teodoro Casiño 

Age: 44
Political Party: Makabayan
Director of the Kilusang Mayo Uno Labor Center from 1994 to 1998. 
He was a columnist from 1994 to 2004 for Business World
Commissioner of EDSA from 2001 to 2003.
Authored four laws that have benefited the poor and marginalized sectors: The Public Attorneys Act of 2007, The Tax Relief Act of 2009, The Rent Control Act of 2009, and The Anti-Torture Act of 2009.


“I stand on MAKABAYAN’s 10-Point Agenda which promotes nationalism, democracy, and the rights and welfare of the people at all times. To sum up, my platform is about your right to live decently through affordable means and quality governance through accountability,” he said in his official website.

1. Power to the People
2. fight for good governance.
3. Develop a pro-Filipino community.
4. Protect the environment.
5. Build fair foreign relations.
6. Defend democratic and human rights.
7. Promote nationalist and progressive culture.
8. Uphold's women's rights and gender equality.
9. Advance the Peace process.


#5 Rizalito David 

Age: 51
Political Party: Ang Kapatiran Party
Many of the legislation he worked on were about the environment and natural resources such as Clean Air Act, Solid Waste Management Act, Clean Water Act and the Philippine Mining Law.


1. Abolishing all forms of gambling, death penalty and pork barrel system
2. Ending the use of torture, violence in school, fraternities.
3. Fighting political dynasty.
4. Repealing the RH Law
5. Legislated gun control.
6. Freedom of information bill.


#6 JC de los Reyes 

Age: 43
Political Party: Ang Kapatiran Party
Standard Bearer of the Ang Kapatiran Party
Nephew of fellow senatorial candidate Richard Gordon


“Radical” and “Transformative” politics that would abolish the graft-ridden pork barrel system, do away with entrenched political dynasties, impose gun control, and “remove all forms of gambling.”


#7 Richard Gordon

Age: 67
Political Party: United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) 
Chairman of the Philippine National Red Cross
Broadcaster for News5
authored the National Tourism Policy Act of 2009 or Republic Act 959 and Republic Act No. 9369 - Automated Elections System


1. Education
2. Agriculture
3. Enhancement of Tourism
4. Information Technology
5. National Defense


#8 Edwad Hagedorn

Age: 66
Political Party: Independent
Under his leadership, Puerto Princesa was transformed into one of the more famous eco-tourism destinations in the Philippines.

The legislative agenda of senatorial candidate Edward Hagedorn focus on jobs, investments, national healthcare, decentralization and development of infrastructure and land use, education and youth development, renewable and sustainable energy, and social policies and advocacies.


#9 Marwil Llasos

Age: 37
Political Party: Ang Kapatiran Party
Marian devotee and knight of Mary, he is an active member of various Marian groups and organizations in the Philippines and abroad
Served as Executive Assistant and Legal Consultant in the Department of Agrarian Reform, appearing as a Resource Person in the House of Representatives Committee on Agrarian Reform.

Strengthening State Universities and Colleges, as well as fiscal autonomy for them. He is also pursuing an extension of Carp Extensions and Reforms (CARPER) to redistribute all agricultural lands to landless farmers, Universal Healthcare and lower power rates to help those in more affected areas and provide cheaper costs of living for everyone.


#10 Mitos Magsaysay

Age: 49
Political Party: United Nationalist Alliance (UNA)
Deputy Minority Leader of the House of Representatives
Voted Most Outstanding Congressman for 5 consecutive years 2004-2009, 2011
Emeritus Hall of Fame Awardee

Bills passed (authored and sponsored):

House Bill 04974 – An act fixing the specific limits of forest land in the province of Zambales
House Bill 05531 - An act creating four additional branches of the regional trial court in the third judicial region to be stationed at the city of Olongapo
House Bill 06550 – An act granting the Olongapo Electricity Distribution Company, Inc a franchise to construct, install, establish, operate and maintain and distribution system for the conveyance of electric power to the end-users in the city of Olongapo and its suburbs

Mitos Magsaysay’s advocacies and platforms include health, taxation, transportation, hosuing, education, livelihood, and oil deregulation.


#11 Ricardo Penson

Age: 60
Political Party: Independent
President and chief executive officer of Ausphil Tollways Corporation


1.To end the political dynasty that plagued the government for decades. He believes that family members should be prohibited from running for public office regardless of the place or position.
2. Education
3. Anti-poverty and Social Justice
4. Infrastructure
5. Good governance and anti-corruption


#12 Hans Christian Señeres

Age: 37
Political Party: Democratic Party of the Philippines
Representative of the BUHAY Hayaang Yumabong Party-list.
Became the President of the National Leadership Council within the Philippines(1998)


Advocating the provision of opportunity and housing for the underprivileged. Alongside this support is that for the Church which continues to involve itself with urgent solutions towards national hunger and poverty. Alongside these are also the ideals of better living standards for seniors, eradication of the national debt and also eradication of graft and corruption.


As you can see majority of them are really new but their vision speaks for themselves. I believe in them and I would like to give them a chance. I hope you do the same. We deserve a better country. Do not be fooled by those surveys and those actors who are endorsing them. Make your own stand. Vote for who you think can really do something. 

Who are your 12 Senatoriables? Make your votes count.

Keep the Faith.


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